Guided Climbing

Guided Climbing is designed around people who are looking to experience what it is like to climb traditionally (Trad) outdoors.

These sessions are aimed at people who have climbed indoors before and are looking for guidance during their first outdoor climbing experience.

This is a fantastic way to experience a typical day as a trad climber and judge for yourself whether outdoor climbing is for you.

Our Services

  • Full Day Outdoor climbing

    Ratio 1:1 £140

    Ratio 1:2 £160

    Full Climbing Clan Member

    1:2 £120

  • Guided climbing is a ratio of 1:2 Max.

  • The only kit you will need is your personal climbing shoes.

    If you have your own personal kit please bring it. I will check it is okay before climbing.

    You will be outdoors all day so you will need to dress appropriately.

    When booking on a kit list will be sent to help you.

So how does it all happen?

Prior to every session it begins with a discussion regarding what you are looking for in a day of guided climbing. After we have worked out what you hope to achieve and your level of climbing experience, we can settle on a location and the routes you will climb.

Once an appropriate schedule has been worked out, we shall meet at the chosen location and walk to the crag for the day. Please bare in mind you will be outdoors all day and that there may not be facilities nearby.

Upon arrival, all clients will recieve a safety brief and undergo a recap/some teaching before we leave the ground. This step is essential to ensure everyone is aware and operating together safely. Everything covered will be relevant to any further climbing you may do!

Throughout the day, we will climb a variety of different routes which may progress in difficulty.


Learn how to trad climb